Sleep for a four-month-old baby is one of the most important things that affects the well-being of the whole family. However, understanding and managing your baby’s sleep rhythm can be challenging. In this article, we look at the sleep of a 4-month-old baby and give tips on how to improve it. Read on and learn how you can help your baby (and yourself) sleep better.
How does a 4-month-old baby’s sleep differ from previous months?
After the first few months, your baby’s sleep pattern has settled, but by four months it may still be changing. This stage of development is often called the “4-month sleep crisis” or “4-month sleep regression”, but don’t worry, it’s a perfectly normal part of your baby’s development. During this time, your baby will start to practise motor skills such as turning and crawling, which may affect the quality and quantity of their sleep. Sensory sensitivities can also cause night terrors, as your baby begins to perceive the world more accurately. Longer sleep cycles at night can affect daytime sleep, and your baby may sleep less during the day than before. In addition, teething can bring its own challenges to sleep. It is important to understand that each baby is an individual and sleep patterns vary greatly from one baby to another.
Tips for creating a sleeping routine for a 4-month-old baby
Creating sleep routines is an important part of improving your baby’s sleep quality. They help your baby to understand when it’s time to go to bed and when it’s time to wake up. Trust your baby’s natural sleep rhythm and learn to recognise sleep cues. When your baby starts rubbing their eyes or being irritable, it’s a good time to put your baby to bed.
Make bedtime as soothing as possible: turn off bright lights, turn down the sounds, sing a lullaby or read a fairy tale. You might also consider using a sleep toy or sleepwear to help calm your baby. However, make sure that your baby’s bed is safe and that there are no extra objects that pose a threat. Try to keep sleep times relatively regular, but remember that at four months your baby’s sleep needs may vary from day to day. It is also important to remember that each baby is an individual and needs time to adjust to new routines. So be patient and flexible with routines.
A four-month-old baby’s sleep is already different from that of a newborn. Find out here where the development started.
Night wakings are normal for a 4-month-old baby
Practical advice on night wakings and starting sleep school with your 4-month-old baby
Night wakings are normal for a 4-month-old baby, but parents should be patient and support their baby’s sleep with calm measures. Avoid bright light during night wakings and keep the environment as peaceful as possible. You can also try a pacifier, a sleep toy or soothing music. Breastfeeding or giving a bottle just before sleep can be helpful, but not in the middle of sleep.
If you are considering starting sleep school, four months is usually the earliest stage to consider it. Remember that the purpose of sleep school is to help your child learn to fall asleep and return to sleep on their own after wake-ups, not to force them to sleep through the night without interruption. It is important to choose a method of sleep school that suits both parents and baby; a method that is too harsh and stressful can be detrimental later on. It is best to start sleep school slowly, and it is important to consider the baby’s own needs and assess the baby’s readiness for sleep school.
Read more about sleep school here!
How to manage your own well-being when your baby doesn’t sleep?
Parents’ ability to cope is important when the baby doesn’t sleep. Simple things like a balanced diet, exercise and enough rest can help. It’s important to look after your own wellbeing so you can look after your baby too. If help is offered, accept it. Relatives and friends can hold your baby for a while so you can rest. Take advantage of nap time and try to rest while your baby is sleeping. If you have persistent problems with your baby’s sleep, it is definitely worth talking to your child’s doctor or child health clinic. Be kind to yourself. None of us is perfect, and every parent has moments when they feel low on energy. Above all, remember that you are not alone. Many parents struggle with the same problems. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings with other parents – you may find support and advice helpful.

Common sleep disorders in 4-month-old babies: when should you seek help?
At four months of age, babies often go through sleep regression, which is a perfectly normal stage of development. Sleep regression can cause night terrors and sleep problems, as well as changes in sleep patterns. However, if you notice increased restlessness, extreme tiredness, or if your baby is unable to sleep long enough to recover, it is a good idea to seek help.
The symptoms listed may be caused by something other than sleep regression, such as an allergy, reflux disease, fever or tooth infection. If your baby seems to be in pain, irritable, or if there is a sudden and significant change in their sleeping patterns, you should make an appointment with your pediatrician. In addition, if you notice that your baby is suffering from breathing difficulties during sleep or if your baby sleeps very poorly for several nights in a row, it would be a good idea to consult a health professional. Your baby’s sleep should be supported and problems should be addressed early, as good sleep is an important part of your baby’s development
The importance of sleep for the development of a 4-month-old baby
Sleep plays a huge role in a child’s development. This is also true for babies as young as four months. The processes that take place during sleep affect the child’s physical growth, brain development, and immune system function. During sleep, the baby’s body produces growth hormone, which allows the baby to grow and develop.
Sleep also provides important support for your baby’s cognitive development. For example, learning, memory, and the application of skills require sleep to function optimally. Studies have shown that adequate sleep helps babies to better explore their environment, learn new skills more easily and improve their concentration.
Sleep also plays a role in your baby’s emotional development and mood. A well-slept child is usually in a better mood and better able to cope with new experiences every day. It is therefore important to ensure that your baby gets enough sleep and that they get good quality sleep.
Here you can read about your 2 month old baby’s sleep!
Number and quality of naps with your 4-month-old baby: How to improve?
The amount and quality of a four-month-old baby’s naps depend on many factors, including the individual needs of the child. In general, at this age, a child should be sleeping 3-4 naps per day, ranging from half an hour to as long as two hours.
There are many strategies to improve daytime naps. A regular rhythm can help your baby understand when it’s time for sleep, so try to keep sleep times more or less the same each day. Sleep routines can also help to improve naptime. Make your baby’s environment calm and comfortable before bedtime, for example by reading or singing to them, and make sure the room is quiet and dim. Sleep activities such as stroller rides or car rides can also help your baby fall asleep.
Remember that every baby is different – some sleep better in movement, while others need quiet, dark sleep. If your baby is not sleeping well, there could be many reasons: they could be overtired, undertired, hungry or sick. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you are worried about your baby’s sleep.
For more tips on better sleep, click here!
Daytime sleep is important for your baby’s development and growth.
What to do if your 4-month-old baby doesn’t nap?
If your four-month-old baby is not taking a nap, it could be a sign of several things. Firstly, it is possible that your baby is over- or under-tired. Overtired babies may be restless and crying, making it difficult for them to fall asleep. Undertired babies, on the other hand, are not yet ready for sleep and thus may resist sleep.
In some cases, your baby may be hungry or full. Both situations can make it difficult to nap. So make sure your baby has eaten enough before bedtime. The baby may also be in an uncomfortable position or in an environment that is too hot or cold. Try putting your baby in a more comfortable position, changing their clothes or adjusting the temperature in the room.
If your baby refuses to nap for an extended period of time, you should consult a health professional. Naps are important for your baby’s development and growth, so they should not be missed without good reason.
How do Moomin Baby diapers help a 4-month-old baby’s sleep?
The baby’s diaper has a significant impact on the baby’s sleep. It is important that the diaper keeps the baby dry and prevents skin irritations so that the baby can sleep well and wake up less at night. The Finnish Moomin Baby diaper meets these needs particularly well.
Moomin Baby diapers are designed to provide maximum comfort and protection. Their superior absorbency ensures that your baby stays dry all night long. In addition, their high quality design ensures a snug fit for baby’s movement. Moomin Baby diapers are dermatologically tested and contain no harmful chemicals, minimising the risk of rashes and allergies.
Therefore, Moomin Baby diapers are an excellent choice for supporting your baby’s sleep, as they offer both comfort and excellent protection.